Friday, January 15, 2016

Where Is Your Cross?

        This week, has been some AMAZING Bible studies with the Family! Which leads me to this question...What are You doing with YOUR cross?
That's right, I said YOUR cross, not Jesus' cross, but yours.

Let me try to give you a quick run down of what we have studied this week, so that you can see where I am.
Monday we studied Proverbs 5:1-23 (Now this is mainly warning for Adultery) However, we tied it to the warning signs of distractions, and how easily those small seeds are planted and the "weeds"can over grow us, and entrap us. So in these discussions, we started recognizing our own personal distractions from God, and what they truly glorify.

Tuesday we studied Romans 13:8-14, and that its self got its own blog, Get Your Jesus On. If you haven't read it, then I encourage you to do so. In Romans we learned about Loving others,  leading with love, and how that helps us follow the Law's of God more naturally. We also learned about not giving in or leading with lust/fleshly desires and to Wake Up and Choose God! Wake up and Choose HIM everyday!

Wednesday We were in Jeremiah 29:11-13- We discussed the popularity of verse 11 world wide. Any hard times and anyone will tell you, "Bible says..God has a Plan for you, and it's Good and to Prosper not to harm you." Now, I am not belittling that at all, because God does have a plan for you....but HOW? Well, if you will just read on it tells you how. Verse 12 "Then you will call upon ME and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you." So, HOW? You will Call upon God, Pray to God, and He will listen to you. But, how do we do this? Well again..READ ON...13 "And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for me with all your heart."   So you need to pursue God. Not half hearted, but with your ALL your Heart...AND when you seek Him, You WILL find Him. Another good lesson, showing us to cast aside our fleshly desires,watch new "weeds" growing to distract us, and seek God daily. When you seek Him, YOU WILL FIND HIM.

Thursday pulled it all together for us, with the real question. We studied in Mark. Mark chapter 8:34-35 it says, "When He had called the people to Himself, with His disciples also, He said to them, " Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.35 For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospels will save it." 
This is something, that a lot of times, we may say it, but lets be real...when we think of the cross, most of the time, the main one we think of is Jesus' Cross...Not OURS. We think of the Cross, and we think about Jesus' sacrifice. So, okay lets think about it. Lets think about what He went through.
                                     He was Beaten,

                               He was whipped/ flogged,

 clothes ripped off, crown of thorns shoved on his head,

             spit on, and mocked, all while carrying His cross.

Wait, was it His cross? I believe that was our cross. He didn't sin, He did it for OUR sin, He did it to save Us! So maybe now, with a good visual, we can all see that "our cross to carry to follow Jesus" is a small price to pay, COMPARED to what He did for us.
When we struggle to weed our lives of ungodly things...remember The Cross, OUR Cross, the one meant for us, that we were saved from. Remember the COST. Remember that we are to carry our cross toward Christ. Love is an action, carrying the cross is ... an in the words so well quoted in the movie "We Believe,"
DO YOU BELIEVE IN THE CROSS OF CHRIST? If so then the next question I ask you is...
What are You going to DO about it? 
Today...Friday, and each day, WE WILL ACT! :) What will you do?

<3 Cat

All photos courtesy of Images from "The Passion of Christ" if you have not saw this movie, I highly recommend it. It is the closest thing I have watch to the Crucifixion of Christ.

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