Monday, January 11, 2016

Are You REALLY Pro-Life?

Are you Pro-Life? What does that mean to you? What is that? Is that just a term, when you are saving a baby from murder, or is it more? In my instinctive thoughts, when i hear,"Pro-Life", I think and see that ultrasound photo that the advocacy groups use. But I challenge you, is that really the extent of it? I am going to share what God has worked me personally through, and I am sure that this will not sit well with some. Anytime you bring up controversial subjects, it is never pleasing to all. So, I will ask this, bare with me until the end of this. You don't have to agree with me, and I know that there are some that definitely wont. In this I just hope to shed some light in a normally cast in the shadows subject, and show what God changed in my heart. Hopefully I will also show in this, that I do understand other views, but they are not mine.

So lets start this...

"If you are Pro-Life for babies, then you should be Pro-Life for inmates." That's right, I'm hitting those icky subjects that most people try and avoid. Abortion and the Death Penalty. Now before you send me to the slaughter house, I want you to know...Three years ago, if you would have asked me what to do with a sex offender. I would have told you, (and meant with all my heart) to hang them in town square for all to see as an example. Being myself a victim of rape and molestation, I was very passionate about all the things that should be done to someone so awful. HOWEVER, God has worked me over these last three years. God has taken my heart and broke it for His. As tragically beautiful and heart wrenching as this path has been that He has lead me, I am able to see things in a different light that my fleshly desires hid from me for years.
When you pray for the heart of God, you can't help but weep. Weep for the hurting, the broken, and the lost. You weep for joy when the lost are saved. It's all this indescribable, overwhelming feeling. As a parent, your heart breaks when your child's heart hurts. Your heart yearns for them to choose the right path, when you know they are astray. You rejoice when they do as well as you knew they could. When your child does wrong, you desire the best for them. You desire for them to be restored to who you know they are, no matter how lost they are. This is just a tear drop on the journey God has taken me on.

Now, before you get my "peace flags" sewn, let me shine some light on me personally. I am a girl who loves her God, Country, Guns, and I am definitely a meat eater! So, let me break down my thoughts on this. Am I saying by my above statement, that there should never be any killing? It is a nice thought, but No. I am specifically talking about murder. There is a difference. Do I believe in "Defense"? Yes.The Fact is, if you try to kill me or my children, if I can, I will shoot you to save us. Will I feel bad and hate that it went that far to preserve life? Yes. Do i believe in hunting? ...Split answer to this one. If you are hunting only for sport and a trophy and do not use the meat, then NO. If you are feeding people, then I say,"Bring on the deer jerky!" Yummmmm! Do I believe in the Soldiers, and honor them in the defense of our country and freedom? ABSOLUTELY! (Side note: My Husband is a Veteran, not to mention, I could fill this post up easily with people who have served or are serving  of my family and friends.) God Bless You All and Thank You! Because of you and your sacrifices, I am able to have the freedom to write this, no matter how controversial.

So, to the point of all this...
Do i believe in Abortion? No. Do I believe in the Death Penalty? No.
Many say that these two subjects are too different to compare, but I challenge that, and ask these questions. Are they both not children of God, created by God? Are the BOTH not sooo valued by God, that He sent His Son to die on the cross to save them BOTH? Yes they are.
John 3:16 "For God so loved the WORLD that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life."  Each person is one God wants to save. It goes on to say in verse 17 That God didn't send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the WORLD through him. Again including ALL.

Let me ask you this, is one life more valuable than another? Is one of my children's lives more valuable than yours? Maybe to me, but I bet not to you, or to God. Is one of my children's lives more valuable than one of my other kids? No. No matter how lost, or how close to God we are, we are ALL God's children. Created, loved, and desired the same by God. If I ask my children not to disobey, and they do, but"It was only a little". Is that still disobeying? A sin is a sin, no matter if it is murder or gossiping, it is still a sin... and we all sin.
Romans 3:23 "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,"
The wage for sin is all the same big or small, it is still death without Jesus.
Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." The punishment is the same for ALL, as is the reward. Doesn't matter the size or degree of your sin. SIN IS SIN.

Now, I understand the out-lash to punish the wrong doers. (And don't think I'm saying no punishment, I am only speaking of capital punishment) My human instinct is to grab my pitch fork and join the mob. After all, I am a Momma Bear myself, but would I jump on that bandwagon if it were my own child being persecuted? Honestly, no. This is one of the things God has highlighted to me in this journey, value. The value in the saving. Are they all going to reform, or choose God's path? No, of course not. But neither if given the chance to live would every baby aborted choose God. Does that mean only ones raised godly should be saved? ABSOLUTELY NOT! They are ALL worth the saving! As for any of those who choose not to choose God, even after great sin. I weep. I weep for them all, but the question is, when we end life due to capital punishment, are we ending them before they might choose God, and possibly do great things for Him. Even if it's great things from behind bars? Maybe. Thinking of this, and I can't help but think of Saul and what a truly awful man he was before Jesus helped him become Paul. As awful as he was, he did such great things for God!This shows me, that even as awful, sinning, and persecuting anyone who stood for God. He was still a child of God, created by God, and desired by God.

I understand the Government and why logically they have the death penalty, but I cannot and will not support or endorse it. The same way, I can logically understand why some women may choose an abortion, but I will never stand by, support, or endorse that either. Both to me are wrong, because both are equally loved, desired and valued lives by God. How can we as Christians show nonbelievers God's unconditional love, His grace, mercy, and the worth he chooses to see in all of us, If we ourselves are valuing one life above another. Even though none of us are actually worthy, and we ALL fall short of God's will, God chose to make ALL of us worthy enough for His Son to sacrifice himself to save us.

It is time that we place value in ALL lives, weep for those lost, and rejoice in those saved. Honestly, no matter your stance on this subject, the fact is that there will be a day of judgment for everyone, where equally we will ALL be held accountable for the things we have done. As shown in Matthew 12:36-37. So, when we recognize how "awful" someone is, let us remember that sin, great or small keeps us from God the same, without the redeeming power of Jesus. So let us remember
Ephesians 4:29" Do not let unwholesome talk come out of our mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."
1 Thessalonians 5:11 "Therefor encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing."  1 Corinthians 13:3 "If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing."
1 Corinthians 13:13 "And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love. 
Well I hope that this has inspired thought on some different subjects. I am not asking for you to agree with me, because this is something that God has worked on me. But I will say this, seek God, seek Him with prayer and His Word, and see what He will work you through. It may be different , it may be the same, the key is SEEKING GOD.


If you are reading this and have never accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and would like to do so, please feel free to message me! Trust me, it's the best choice you will ever make! 


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