Here it is Thanksgiving, the kids are tucked in bed, I pick at my leftovers in my heated house and my husband at work. While most of the city feeds into these corporations schemes to spend more money and walk away from their Families to get the deals...I sit here with a heavy heart. Don't worry, I am not going on a tangent about what I think of Black Friday and the Giant Marionette Handlers others wise known as Corporations that head these so called sales..If you want that, you will have to read my blog "Thanksgiving Thoughts" Anyways, now don't get me wrong, I had an amazing Thanksgiving. I was very blessed. I got to sleep in until 8:30 this morning. I hung out in my pajamas drinking coffee while watching the Macy's Day Parade on TV with my family. I had a nice record breaking phone call with my brother. (almost 25 minutes)Then it was off to lunch at my Mom's house with her, my sister and family. Then we loaded up to head to the In-laws for another awesome meal, and great visit with more Family. Then once we got back home, my Husband went to work, and my mom came down to watch a good Family Movie with me and the kiddos. A truly great time. Yet my heart weighs so much it is unbearable.
It all started when I looked at the morning paper and saw the Non-Profit I work at made the front page. I grab it to read, and the only thing written was about the dinner we had yesterday. Just a small text under the picture explaining the picture, and that was it. That was it! Here it is the Thanksgiving issue of the paper, with all the black Friday adds, the most purchased paper of the year, and the only thing the paper prints is that we had a dinner, who paid for it, and how the restaurant discounted the price. Granted it's all relevant and important information, however this is a non-profit that helps disadvantaged children, which runs on donations and volunteers. Committed people to mentor and be there for these kids, opening opportunities that they may never get elsewhere, and yet us along with our brother non-profits, we starve for people. Always having to pick from the same circle to commit their time to these kids. Did they mention any of that? No. A time they could have really highlighted us and our programs to help get more people involved and instead, its just the dinner. I think this stuff bothers me because my Father is a journalist and I know what they can do, and this was just a quick photo opp, and that was it. What a better Thanksgiving story, than to highlight an organization that is focused on our future...our children, but none of that was covered.
If people could realize how little it takes to affect a child. Most of the time, it is just to be there, not anything special, just to be there. These kids have suffered things that most can't imagine, and usually can only rely on themselves. Donating a present or a meal is great, but what they really want more than the meal, is someone to sit with them to eat it. Someone to tell them that you are proud of them. Someone to show them a different way to act. Someone who will not judge them when by themselves they let their tough shell down and ask for shampoo, or toothpaste over a toy. The holiday "feel good gifts" are great, but what about when there are no holidays, who is there for them then? The news said earlier this month ," It's the time of year to start thinking about helping others", which really upset me, because there is not a certain "time" to start helping others. It should be done, because it needs done. Not because its finally the time of year to finally "think about it". We are called to serve, and you may not think about it until a certain season requires you to, so that you meet the "status quo", but I guarantee you that those kids think about it everyday, whether it's popular or not.
I see kids taking their bikes or walking in the cold, waiting for the doors to open, in the same clothes. I have saw them cry because they got there after supper, worried about if they were gonna get to eat, because they had no food at home. Here is a shock, it was not a holiday and they were hungry. We give them Coats, hats, gloves, soap, toothpaste, help them with homework, supply material for projects, but just as important we give them a stable face that is there for them.So many of these places need people to get involved. Not just the material objects, but a little of their time. Once a month dedicate a few hours to spend with them. Shoot ball, read them a book, help them with homework. The slightest thing can minister to a child. You can help them to build morals, build their character and confidence, and give them something they don't have a lot of experience with...hope. A little love and encouragement can go a long way. So many say they don't have time, well look up how much time the average family spends watching television and see how those hours add up...I was shocked. These kids are our future, and they need us. They need us to guide them and show them the love of God. They need to see that where so many have failed with them, others will pick them up, because we care for them, and their outcome, and even in their own failures, that we are going to root for them and believe in them. They need people that are going to just be there, but this small circle these non-profits fish from are not cutting it. It is time that we as Christians pick it up and do what we are called to do. Here is a reality check for my local readers...Did you know that in Wood County there is close to 400 homeless children between Kindergarten and senior in high school, and those are only the ones that are actually on record. That is right, it's high time we start looking up from our own circumstances and start making some serious changes. This is our future, and if we drop the ball, they will too. They need us!!
Cat <3
I think the newspaper & television station locally,at the very least, needs this brought to their attention on how badly we all are dropping the ball.