What is Love? Some say love is a rose,some say it is Family, some say it is how much you buy them, and my neighbor says that love is when I make her my cheesecake. I am not saying that any of these are wrong definitions of love, but i cannot say that they are right either. I see why some people choose those "objects" to represent love, but they are not mine. To me, love is a look. Now, I know what you must be thinking,"A look, really? How can a look describe love better than a rose?" To say love is a look, is really not that absurd when you stop and think about it. Some write songs even agreeing with me on this. (i.e. Alison Krause's song, "When you say nothing at all")
People have known for generations the power in a look. So much can be said through the eyes, said to be the "windows to the soul." That is not the only reference to the power of looks and expressions. There are countless sayings that we use daily,"If looks could kill," "She has fire in her eyes," "He has the look of persuasion," "She is giving her puppy dogs eyes," and the references can just keep going as to the power of a look. When using Sign Language, your facial expressions play a huge part into the Language. A simple change of expression when signing can give your words a very different meaning. Today, we even have television shows based on how every movement of your face tells a story. So to me, love is a look.
There is the look from a child to her mother. The first two years of that child's life,"She" has no words to tell her feelings, but behind those eyes," She" tells all. When "she" is sad, one look can melt your heart, making you do anything to fix the problem. A mother can make her child feel calm, all by the love that Mother shares with just a look.
There are so many different shades of love; so in turn, there are many different looks. No two people give the same look for a feeling. It takes really reading the expressions to define them. As you get to know someone the easier the expressions become to read. There is the look of love for a friend, compassion, and family. There is the look of "heartbreak" for a loved one, and the look of "the crush." So much can be said with no words at all.
So many people think that communication can be done just by talking, or now-a-days, texting, or messaging online, but you miss so much without being there. To watch someone's expressions when speaking gives you sub-words to go with the "real" words. You can see honesty,sarcasm, compassion, or even B.S. when they speak. You can learn the true meaning behind their words,
So to me, love is a look,"The look" says what your mouth cannot find the words for. The look two people in love give each other before a kiss, the look of passion and desire; no words are needed to instruct them. "The look," so intense with compassion, and care. But the best look is the "hidden look," This is the look not meant to be seen. It is when you are doing something random, of no importance, and you feel them looking at you. Their eyes tell you that they do not care what you are doing...They just love you.
Cat <3
Hey! I know that look! :) Unfortunately I also know the "You're in deep crap" look from you too. LOL! :) Love ya!
ReplyDeleteLol..nerd ;)